Konsortial-Benchmarking „Circular Economy – Lifecycle management in manufacturing companies“

By participating in the consortium benchmarking, you gain access to a community of experts from the fields of corporate strategy, product development and business development. You will have the opportunity to learn from the best, address your own challenges directly and discuss and implement possible solutions.

Become a consortium partner of this study!

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Konzeptbild KBM - CE

Topics at a glance

Your benefits at a glance

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  • Identify the success factors of the Circular Economy in your company
  • Actively support the development of the focus topics for benchmarking
  • Gain valuable insight and knowledge through visits to best practice companies
  • Establish and perpetuate selected contacts with other companies in the consortium
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The central questions within the framework of the consortium benchmarking Circular Economy are structured in six topics.

Organizational requirements

    • How must a company be set up organizationally for an orientation toward the circular economy?
    • What should an orientation towards circular value creation look like?

Material recovery

  • How can products be built up modularly in order to reuse them or transfer them to further functions?
  • How can the proportion of recyclable material be evaluated and increased?
  • Which material cycles must and can be closed across industries?

Circular Production

  • How can products be manufactured with lower resource consumption and higher efficiency?
  • How can the concept of circular economy be applied in production to improve methods of recycling and reuse?
  • WHow can the concept of “industrial symbiosis” be applied or strengthened?

Product sustainability

  • How can the life cycle of products be extended?
  • What is a sustainable product?
  • How can repair and refurbishment concepts be taken into account?

Circular business models

  • How must circular value chains be rethought?
  • What do new business models look like in the context of the circular economy?
  • What legal/regulatory perspectives need to be reconsidered to facilitate the introduction of circular business models?

Technological requirements

    • How can the orientation towards the Circular Economy be technologically anchored in the company?
    • Which tools and methods exist and how should the interfaces between them be designed?

Secure your place in our consortium now and contact the project management below without obligation. Kick-off is on April 4/5, 2022.

Project management

Dr.-Ing.-Mohammad-Chehade-e1638279470443-200x237 KBM - CE
Center for Circular Economy CCE
Dr.-Ing. Mohammad Chehadé
Project Manager
Intzestraße 3, 52056 Aachen
Mobile +49 176 70549513
E-Mail chehade@cce.rwth-aachen.de
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Center for Systems Engineering CSE
Dr.-Ing. Michael Riesener
Project Manager
Campus-Boulevard 79, 52074 Aachen
Mobile +49 151 55059207
E-Mail michael.riesener@cse.rwth-campus.com