That was the
5th Systems Engineering Congress
organized by the Center for Systems Engineering, with the support of our co-host itemis AG
September 20, 2023
MHPArena Stuttgart
(formerly Mercedes-Benz Arena Stuttgart)
- Inspiring presentations by renowned experts
- Exciting panel discussion on the topic of “Circular Economy”
- Industry exhibition with partners from software to mechanical engineering
- Start-up pitch with young companies and fresh ideas from the world of tomorrow’s engineering
- Cozy BBQ event in our special location, the MHPArena Stuttgart

© VfB Stuttgart Arena Betriebs GmbH / Daniel Stauch

Agenda | 20.09.2023
Digital Transformation | |
08.30 Uhr | Begrüßung durch Moderation und CSE-Team |
08.45 Uhr | “Unleashing the Power of the Industrial Metaverse: The Future of Engineering”, Dr. Annika Hauptvogel, Siemens AG |
09.15 Uhr | “MBSE – Modeling Circularity and Sustainability”, Prof. Dr. Georg Jacobs, Institut für Maschinenelemente und Systementwicklung |
09.45 Uhr | Live-Schaltung RWTH Aachen Campus – Smart Automation Lab |
10.00 Uhr | Networking-Pause |
MBSE | |
10.30 Uhr | “Coaches, Pilots & Architects Joining 80,000 Bosch Powertrain Associates – The Human Side of Introducing MBSE”, Pál Horváth, Bosch Powertrain Solutions, Engineering Centre Budapest |
11.00 Uhr | “Scaling MBSE: Herausforderungen bei Großprojekten”, Christoph Pfeuffer und Sebastian Strobl, Airbus Defence and Space GmbH |
11.30 Uhr | “(Model-based) Systems Engineering PMT Architecture”, Srinivasa Reddy Police, AUDI AG |
Digital and Sustainable Engineering | |
10.30 Uhr | “Datengetriebenes und durchgängiges Engineering von HOMAG Maschinen”, Ernst Esslinger, HOMAG GmbH |
11.00 Uhr | “Circular Engineering for Medical Imaging Technology”, Patricia Gehrlein, Siemens Healthcare GmbH |
11.30 Uhr | “Single-Use Components – Designed for Circularity. A Contradiction?”, Dr. Merle-Hendrikje Jank, Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH |
12:00 Uhr | Mittagspause mit “Market of Ideas” |
Systems Engineering | |
13.00 Uhr | “Gestaltung und Auslegung von Plattformen mittels Systems Engineering vom Fenstersauger bis hin zur autonomen Scheuersaugmaschine”, Simon Himmler und Jan Paul Schneider, Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG |
13.30 Uhr | “The only Way to Predict the Future is to Invent it! How to tackle the Sustainability Challenges with Systems Engineering and the Virtual Twin.”, Martin Neff, Dassault Systèmes |
14.00 Uhr | Networking-Pause |
Next Generation Engineering |
14.30 Uhr | “Investing in the Technology Champions of Tomorrow”, Dr. Elisabeth Schrey, DeepTech & Climate Fonds |
15.00 Uhr | Start-up-Slam |
15.45 Uhr | “Chancen mit generativer KI (Azure Open AI, ChatGPT)”, Edip Saliba, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH |
16.15 Uhr | “Systems Engineering Meets AI: It’s Not Rocket Science… Wait, It Is!”, Dr. Alexander Nyßen, itemis AG |
16.45 Uhr | Aktive Pause |
Circular Economy |
17.00 Uhr | “Neue Modularität für eine lebensverlängernde und wertsteigernde Kreislaufwirtschaft”, Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh, Lehrstuhl für Produktionssystematik |
17.30 Uhr | Podiumsdiskussion “Circular Economy – Paradigmenwechsel in der produzierenden Industrie” mit Wilhelm Mauß (Lorenz GmbH & Co. KG) und Niclas-Alexander Mauß (CIRCULAR REPUBLIC / UnternehmerTUM GmbH) |
The speakers 2023

Dr. Joerg Berroth
Center Systems Engineering

Ernst Esslinger

Patricia Gehrlein
Program Lead Circular Economy
Siemens Healthcare GmbH

Dr. Annika Hauptvogel
Siemens AG

Simon Himmler
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG

Christoph Pfeuffer
Systems Engineer
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH

Pál Horváth
MBSE Method Developer & Coach
Bosch Powertrain Solutions, Engineering Centre Budapest

Prof. Dr. Georg Jacobs
Institute for Machine Elements and System Development at RWTH Aachen University

Dr. Merle-Hendrikje Jank
Manager of Product Portfolio Design
Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH

Niclas-Alexander Mauß

Wilhelm Mauß
Lorenz GmbH & Co KG

Martin Neff
Dassault Systèmes

Dr. Alexander Nyßen
Executive Vice President Digital Engineering
itemis AG

Srinivasa Reddy Police
Lead Architect – Develop vehicle architecture methodically
Audi AG

Dr. Michael Riesener
Center Systems Engineering

Edip Saliba
Head of Data & Azure Open AI
Microsoft Germany GmbH

Jan Paul Schneider
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG

Dr. Elisabeth Schrey
Managing Director
DeepTech & Climate Fund

Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh
Chair of Production Systems at RWTH Aachen

Sebastian Strobl
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH
Partner of the SEC 2023
Our co-host:

Our Gold Partner:

Our bronze partner: