Membership at CSE

Become part of our network!

Our customized offerings are designed to advance your business in the areas of model-based system development, strategic business alignment and innovation.

Become a member of the Center for Systems Engineering (CSE) and benefit from numerous exclusive advantages:

RWTH_Piktogramm_Richtig Membership
Pre-competitive technology development:

We support you in the introduction and implementation of state-of-the-art methods of model-based system development in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency in your company.

RWTH_Piktogramm_Richtig Membership
Strategic corporate orientation:

Take advantage of our regular workshops and bilateral strategy meetings to identify technological trends at an early stage and adapt your corporate strategies accordingly.

RWTH_Piktogramm_Richtig Membership
Interdisciplinarity and knowledge exchange:

Network with other companies and scientists to discuss current issues and identify new cooperation partners.

RWTH_Piktogramm_Richtig Membership
Holistic research & development:

Benefit from our unique framework conditions for developing and testing model-based system development and associated processes.

For more information about our different membership types and the many benefits they offer, contact us by email or phone. Work with us to find out which membership suits your company best and how you can benefit from our network and services.