23. October 2020
Digital event from November 4th to 5th |
The positive feedback after the first Systems Engineering Congress last year has encouraged us to offer you this unique platform again this year with invited speakers and lively discussions on the topic of Systems Engineering. Unfortunately, we will not be able to personally welcome you in Aachen this year. The current situation has forced us to stage the Systems Engineering Congress digitally. The advantage for you: You can participate from anywhere around the world. And not only the Systems Engineering Congress, but also our partner congresses: the Complexity Management Congress and the R&D Intelligence Congress. With our digital interaction offer, we enable you to network across all congresses in a virtual space.
We look forward to discussions with experts from leading and visionary companies about systems engineering as a holistic approach to the product development process for the products of tomorrow – agile, digital, seamless, model-based and transparent through all development stages. For this purpose, we rely on methods of software development and model-based systems development, called Model-Based Systems Engineering.
We are looking forward to exciting presentations, productive discussions and your participation.
Find out here which exciting presentations and companies you can expect at SEC20.