20. September 2023

… and that was our 5th Systems Engineering Congress!

20 presentations by systems engineering experts, the personal and professional exchange, our version of the “Lion’s Den” at the Start-Up Slam, live streaming to the RWTH Aachen Campus, good food and champagne at sunset on the terrace of the MHPArena – we couldn’t have wished for anything better!

We would like to thank all our speakers (Ernst EsslingerPatricia GehrleinDr. Annika HauptvogelSimon HimmlerChristoph PfeufferPál HorváthGeorg J.Dr. Merle-Hendrikje JankNiclas-Alexander MaussWilhelm MaussMartin NeffAlexander NyßenSrinivasa Reddy PoliceEdip SalibaDr. Elisabeth SchreyGünther Schuh and Sebastian Strobl) and also our partners itemis AGTwo Pillars and Dassault Systèmes.

Thanks also to all participants and the entire CSE team. We are already looking forward to next year!